Greetings! My name is Keith Holmes and I hope you enjoy Maptalker.
I graduated at the University of Victoria with a master of science degree in 2012. My research interests revolve around changing landscapes, drone mapping, spatial pattern analysis, and cartography.
In my spare time I like to ride my bike, go camping, and do house renovations. I enjoy a nicely placed hammock and exploring the coast.
Current Projects:
I am working at the Hakai Institute researching all sorts of spatial science topics on the Central Coast of British Columbia. I work with a number of researchers to expand the spatial context of their work. At any one time I am involved in projects related to LiDAR, kelp mapping, onling mapping, marine mammals, forest productivity, archaeology, and hydrology.
Previous Projects:
From 2007 to 2010 I worked on a Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) project in Iraq. My job was to research spatial information like water quality, infrastructure, biodiversity, and social issues using GIS. I had the oportunity to work with many international organizations like the united nations (UNDP, OCHA, WHO, FAO, etc.) RAMSAR, and officials in the Iraqi government. I continue to monitor the conditions of the Iraqi Marshlands and some of the more recent maps can be seen in my "Iraq" tab.
I successfully defended my masters in science in December 2012. My research used a 21 year data set of remote sensing and climate data to create a predictive model for future changes to landscape productivity and biodiversity indicators using future climate scenarios. Check out the publications section for more information.
My masters research lab:
Spatial Pattern Analysis and Research Laboratory